Carrying out its’ activities the JSC “SNIIP” aims at:
- continuous improvement in quality of its’ work targeted to meet all requirements, set and expected by customers, to the manufactured products;
- competitive growth of the products;
- steady profit-making for further economic status growth of the JSC “SNIIP” and advance in living standards of the employees
General intents and activity directions related to quality are stated in the “Quality policy” by the administration of the JSC “SNIIP”.
Quality Policy
Quality policy of the JSC “SNIIP” is the expression of principles and values emanating from its’ Statute. The policy is implemented centrally and is binding upon all departments of the company.
We judge from the point that:
- customers always aim to get the products and services that meet their needs and expectations;
- maintenance of high quality requires continuous improvement of JSC “SNIIP” activities, i.e. whatever perfect our activity is, it’s necessary to search continuously for new solutions to improve it;
- high quality is achieved not only by identification and solving problems that lower quality, but, inter alia, by prevention of them;
- any work exercised by our employees, sub suppliers is part of the work exercised to manufacture products for customers. So everyone involved in the process has influence on quality;
- every employee of the JSC “SNIIP” is both the customer and supplier for other employees, therefore performing his/her duties in good faith, the employee can expect the colleagues to work well.
The administration of the JSC “SNIIP” sets as a strategic quality goal:
- providing for engineering, manufacturing and supply of the products that meet all customers’ requirements, save for life, health and environment;
- organization of the JSC “SNIIP” activities that provide more efficient use of its’ scientific and production facilities and backlogs to achieve financial stability, economic profit and worthy living standards of its’ employees;
- improvement of current quality management system of the JSC “SNIIP”, its’ certification by independent accredited international certification authorities and maintenance of the system in current status
More than 50 regulatory documents (procedures) governing the JSC “SNIIP” activity have been elaborated to implement “Quality policy” within the current quality management system
Current quality management system of the JSC “SNIIP” complies with the GOST R ISO 9001-2001 and GOST RV 15.002-2003 requirements. The system is certificated in the Certification System “TRASTSERT” and in the Certification System “OBORONNIY REGISTR”.