About us

Joint-Stock Company “Specialized Scientific Research Institute for Instrumentation Engineering” (JSC “SNIIP”) is one of the leading scientific institutions in the field of nuclear instrumentation.  

Since its foundation in 1952, JSC “SNIIP” has dedicated itself to accomplishing tasks of instrumentation support of nuclear and radiation safety at nuclear power facilities. It was in JSC “SNIIP” that systematic highly professional development of equipment for measuring ionising radiation began. The scientific and technical basis for the design of these devices was created, and nuclear instrumentation was formed into an independent field of science and technology.

For a long time, JSC “SNIIP” has been the leading enterprise for creation and improvement of dosimetric, radiometric and electronic-physical instrumentation. It will be no exaggeration to call all currently competing companies in the market of products and services in this segment of the nuclear industry are our “descendants”.

In 2019 our Institute entered the control loop of JSC “Rosatom Automated Control Systems”.

In its long history JSC “SNIIP” created several generations of reliable high-quality equipment for nuclear technologies, offered new approaches to solving the most important problems of radiation and nuclear safety.

Today JSC “SNIIP” manufactures and sells products, works and services in the following categories:

  • Computerized radiation monitoring systems for NPPs, research reactors and other nuclear facilities;
  • Computerized systems for monitoring radiation situation at nuclear industry enterprises and industrial facilities;
  • Computerized systems of monitoring, control and diagnostics for NPPs;
  • Dosimetric and radiometric systems and software and hardware tools;
  • Systems and devices for accounting and control of nuclear materials, radioactive substances and radioactive waste;
  • Instruments and hardware-software complexes for building systems of dosimetric control of personnel exposure;
  • Means of control and prevention of unauthorised movement of radioactive substances and nuclear materials;
  • Control systems for technological processes of decommissioning of nuclear and radiation-hazardous facilities;
  • Means of metrological support of nuclear measurement and information technologies.


Innovative branches of activity

  • Modelling computer technologies, modelling software;
  • Equipment for radiation monitoring of coolant leakage from the 1st circuit to the 2nd circuit for NPPs;
  • Creation of special element base for nuclear instrument engineering;
  • Creation of a unified line of nuclear electronics assemblies for perspective types of ionising radiation detectors;
  • Development of radiation and environmental monitoring stations for industrial enterprises;
  • Automatic diagnostic system of technological processes on the basis of vibroacoustic data analysis.